Smart Life

StreetLife provides fieldwork solutions that help you get as close as possible to your consumer, observing in-context behaviour and instigating powerful, real-time conversations

SmartLife is a framework to understand and optimise service/app usage

By observing behaviour and determining the root causes, we can:

  • Establish levers of usage
  • Determine barriers to use
  • Ascertain communication to overcome bottlenecks
  • Enable greater levels of long-term compliance

Greater compliance breeds greater loyalty - The reward to ensuring that apps are comprehensively used is that consumers “live” and become “wedded” to the benefits

SmartLife uses a flexible approach to solve app issues

Typically there are 3 pillars to the framework, which are adapted to your needs


We work with the app/service provider to invite consumers to a (potential) survey either at sign-up stage or post sign-up


We interview the spectrum of frequent users to non users to understand reasons for their behaviour, the perceived benefits that frequent/occasional users associate with the app/service and what remains missing from the service

Improve Communication.

We help illicit the triggers of what has compelled consumers to adopt the app/service and loyally use. We help provide the data and insight to action stronger conversion of the stragglers through better communication and signposting

Illustrative Case Study of a Reward-based App.

  • A recently launched app has download levels that meet the intended ROI. However it is found that over a third of customers who download the app use it once or never. This is despite the rewards-system app having researched well in concept…and showing that 20% of users are engaging on a weekly basis.
  • Interviews conducted after 1 month+ of sign-up of the app across usership levels
  • Interviewing approach included a dynamic-qualitative workshop with high frequency users, non users, Insight function, marketing and R&D.

SmartLife data established tactical actions to onboard resistant consumers and product development to strengthen engagement amongst loyalists

What we'll do

SteetLife builds the SmartLife survey with you

SmartLife is adaptable to make sure that the sampling, interviewing and data solve your brief

Our involvement helps you create a robust, seamless and insightful approach

We also offer support from our analytic partner in maximising the resulting insight